Basic Tools Needed at SW501c3

  • Clicker. A clicker can be used to mark desired behavior, both in response to a cue and when it occurs naturally. …

  • Target stick. …

  • Treats. …

  • Portable mat. …

  • Leashes. …

  • Collar and harness. …

  • Long line. …

  • Barriers

  • Sturdy Leash

  • Flat Collar

  • Training Belt/Treat Pouch.

  • Graduation Cap

  • Dog Food

  • Kennels & Repair equipment

Basic Student Supplies Needed

  • Paper

  • Pencils

  • Snacks

  • Lunch or Dinner (if afterschool)

  • Gloves

  • Mask

  • Sanitizer

  • Soap

  • Volunteer’s to help with inhouse services and events

Email: for shipping and delivery location information.

Shepherds Watch 501c3